Free web based time tracking software

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Description from the publisher

primaERP / TIME TRACKING is a cloud based application which allows you to write down, manage and evaluate your time. It is an online application, so you can access it from everywhere.
There is useful option of working in collaboration with your colleagues by using only one account. This allows you to delegate tasks and to have a clear overview on present project.
Allows you to integrate external applications such as Basecamp, MS Exchange calendar and Google Calendar.
Reports are best for generating free invoices.
All you need to do now, is write down your tasks and activities and start tracking time. In primaERP / TIME TRACKING you can start tracking first and then fill in activity so you will not be disturbed and you will stay focused on your work only.

What's new in this version

primaERP / TIME TRACKING is now fully functional for tablets.

Category of the web application

Time tracking

Topics (Tags)

time tracking, web based, productivity, evaluation

Copyright by the particular publisher

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Webwarelist is a directory for web applications, i.e. web based software that runs in your web browser. We are not listing simple online services for time table information, music listening or to view digital maps. We are compiling a list of professional Software as a Service (SaaS) applications which can be used like its corresponding desktop applications. The Web 2.0 created a lot of new web based applications, but in fact this kind of software has been around since about Web 1.5. Many of the webapps are free, free to try or charge a small fee on a monthly basis.