Deliver Winning Customer Experiences

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Description from the publisher

Helprace is a new type of customer service software. It consists of a feedback system, community, a knowledge base and a help desk all centered around your brand. Companies can:

1) prioritize ideas, questions and praise (and act on them),
2) provide instant answers using Helprace search and self-service
3) solve every customer issue using a simple help desk ticketing system.

Lastly, businesses can customize every Helprace feature to offer a complete customer service solution in line with their goals.

Category of the web application


Topics (Tags)

Customer support, helpdesk software, customer service, helpdesk, knowledge base, customer service software

Copyright by the particular publisher

More information

  • Price structure: Free and paid version(s), monthly payment
  • Price: 9, 10, 18, 20
  • Clicks: 10
  • Publisher: Helprace
  • E-Mail the publisher: Send

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Webwarelist is a directory for web applications, i.e. web based software that runs in your web browser. We are not listing simple online services for time table information, music listening or to view digital maps. We are compiling a list of professional Software as a Service (SaaS) applications which can be used like its corresponding desktop applications. The Web 2.0 created a lot of new web based applications, but in fact this kind of software has been around since about Web 1.5. Many of the webapps are free, free to try or charge a small fee on a monthly basis.